Special fabrics Laminating lines

Special fabrics Laminating lines for multiple applications: in combination with other materials, special fabrics such as nonwoven textiles are used to create a wide range of products for many applications in consumer and industrial sectors.

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Besides Laminating, our lines can be equipped with other Coating process or in-line processes such as Embossing, Printing, Perforation, etc.

Special fabrics are used in sectors like construction and filtration, healthcare and surgical, engineering materials… In addition, they have diverse properties: absorbency, liquid repellency, resilience, stretch, softness, strength, flame retardancy, washability, cushioning, filtering, bacterial barriers and sterility.

special fabrics coating lines

Special fabrics Laminating lines processes

At ILAMCO, we have developed important engineering and process know-how in special fabrics Coating and Laminating and manufacture customized lines adapted to specific requirements.


  • Single or turret with flying splice at max. production speed.
  • Shaftless (mostly used) or shafted.
  • Roll diameters up to 1600 mm.
  • Perfect winding accuracy according to material thickness.
  • Flying splicing systems for automatic turret unwinders and rewinder.
  • Programmable tensions adapted to specific materials and web path.

Web Treatment

  • Embossing with customized patterns:
    • Steel/steel rollers.
    • Steel/paper.
    • Rubber for foil aluminium applications.
  • Vacuum rollers or belts.
  • Primer on one or both sides of the web.
  • Corona treatment.
  • Specific tension control in multiple points of the web path (with tension handling elements such as dancer rolls or additional nips for tension isolation of line sections).


  • Multiple coating materials depending on desired properties:
    • Different kind of adhesives including for example: hot melt, PBA or any other thermoplastic adhesive as a tie layer…
    • Primers for lamination and printing.
  • Coating widths of a few millimeters up to 2200mm.
  • Coating weights of 0.5 g/m² to 50 g/m².
  • Coating media with a wide range of viscosities and different solvents:
    • Water based.
    • Solvent based.
    • Solid 100% (hotmelt).
  • Coating speeds of 0.1 m/min to 400 m/min.
  • Pre or self-metered coating methods.
  • Coating systems:
    • Mayer bar.
    • Roll over roll.
    • Rotogravure.
    • Kiss coating.
    • Direct gravure.
    • Offset roll.
    • Curtain.
    • Slot die.
    • Comma bar.
    • Other variations.


  • Wet or dry laminating.
  • Single and multiple layer laminations for many applications (packaging, construction…).

Drying and curing

  • Flotation dryers (also called air suspension):
    • Non-contact and sinusoidal web guiding.
    • Special nozzles design ensure efficient energy transfer from both sides.
  • Roller dryer:
    • Driven or not driven guide rollers.
    • Laminar air flow.
    • High speed air nozzles.
    • Water or solvent based coatings.
    • Independent and sectorized regulation for air speed, temperature and recirculation in each drying hood and section to optimize drying performance and energy consumption.
  • IR/UVI hood systems.


  • High gloss motorized and temperature regulated calanders.
  • Pressure and adjustable gap system to ensure perfect result and material differential handling depending on thickness, substrates and contact angles.

Business Cases

Here you can find Business Cases related to this technology and materials.


Aluminium foil coating & laminating line

  • Double application: different materials and thicknesses
  • Improved time-to-market
  • Optimized OEE

Cardboard laminating line & sheeter

  • Improved margins from 18% to 43%
  • Higher competitive production cost

Multi-process line

  • Integration of all the processes in line: high productivity
  • Wide range of shapes and measures: new products and markets

Coating & Laminating line for Label Stock

  • Integration of all the processes in line: high productivity
  • Wide range of shapes and measures: new products and markets

Film & paper coating and laminating line

  • Higher flexibility of the line
  • High added value in one-step process

Do you want more information on special fabrics Laminating lines?

We are able to understand your company and industry requirements and adapt our solutions to help your business innovate in process or product to achieve differential strategic advantages.

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