Business Cases

We bring projects to reality!


Short run thin & wrap paper sheeter and packing line

  • 80% increase of the production speed of the line
  • Registered cut
  • Format change optimization

Label Cut & Stack automatic line

  • Increasing 35% in productivity compared to the conventional sheet guillotine system
  • High productivity cut & stack line (2000 cuts/min)

Coating & Laminating line for Label Stock

  • Integration of all the processes in line: high productivity
  • Wide range of shapes and measures: new products and markets

Bag finishing automation system project

  • Faster speed with fewer errors: improved efficiency
  • 60% reduction of the production costs

Short run thin & wrap paper sheeter

  • 80% increase of the production speed of the line
  • Registered cut
  • Format change optimization

Multi-process line

  • Integration of all the processes in line: high productivity
  • Wide range of shapes and measures: new products and markets